Where can I find an Ntense representative near me?
Please visit our Stores page to find your nearest store. We recommend contacting our authorised retailers prior to your visit, as we are unable to view their stock information.
Can you send me a fragrance sample?
To introduce our fragrances in an accessible manner to you, we offer mini candles . You can get acquainted with our collection through a set of three small candles in the three different colours and finishes, each with its own unique scent.
Dimension: D45 x H67 mm - D1.77 x H2.95”
Burning hours / candle: 16 hours
Please visit our Stores page to find your nearest store en get your hands on you set.
How can I contact customer care?
For all questions, we recommend that you contact our partner where you made your purchase. All enquiries regarding returns, complaints and any further questions concerning your purchase or order are handled through the authorised dealer.
Partnership & collaboration
Thank you for thinking of us and your interest in our brand! Please feel free to contact us at marketing@ntensecollection.com. We will get back in touch as soon as possible.
Any other questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us on any questions you might have. Our team will contact you as soon as possible to help you.